Tag Archives: love

On Petal’s Edge

There is so much to take in. To receive. Moments to cherish. Fulfillment from life. Nature’s beauty. A rose. The toddler barely visible within the puffy snow suit. The animals. Our beloved companions. Love of family and friends. The endearing stranger we meet on the street. There is so much. The littered street. Plastic. Excess. Earthquakes. War. Suffering. There is so little. Time. I can’t possibly take in all that life has to offer. All the love. All the suffering. So, I turn my gaze towards the small things. These I can receive. Fully. These I can share. Moments of awareness. Discovery. Awe. Time stops. I can pick up the trash that is before me. I can be a listening ear. And when the smallest glimmer of light radiates and shines before me, In the most unexpected places, I can share this with you. A reminder to stop and smell […]

Roses – What’s with All the Roses?

  By referencing roses in the month of February, one might anticipate a post about love, friendship, and appreciation for others. Nope. Not here!  Though, I will speak about roses as they relate to personal development.   Roses are known to be symbols of love, friendship, purity, all depending upon the color of the rose.  Some traditions find that when gifting roses to another, one must send an appropriate color associated with personal intent and feelings.  Simply based on color alone, there’s potential for miscommunication.  Oh, my, it’s so complicated! I am proposing another use for the beautiful rose, in which color does not matter. In past blogs, “Cloudy with A Chance of Sunshine” and “Glitter Money & Anxiety,” I mentioned how we can get stuck on pictures, ideas, thoughts, emotions that no longer serve us well.  I spoke about our ability to find neutrality and simply release our hold on […]

Transitioning Beyond

It was a year ago this month that my dear mother transitioned out of her body, moving beyond an earthly life to an expanded life of higher consciousness and love. During her time in the hospital, I was able offer her a healing. Aware of the journey before her, I held space and witnessed love, compassion and healing come forth. Beautiful imagery accompanied the healing, providing a sense of nurturing care and unconditional love. A year ago, on this very day, we gathered for her Celebration of Life memorial service. I spoke to the congregation filled with family and friends and shared the essence of the healing. It was my belief that others may also find comfort and healing through the imagery; and as such, I now share them with you. In times of Grand Transitions, may you find peace, love and support along the way. A Healing Two Angels […]